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Surfboard Wall Decor

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Surfboard Wall Decor



Introducing “Stand Up Paddler” by the renowned artist Mike Field. Immerse yourself in the enchanting blend of Polynesian inspiration and the artist’s personal connection to the Hawaiian lifestyle. Born in Guam and raised in Hawaii, Mike captures the essence of the islands in a timeless representation of “Old Hawaii” with a modern twist.

As a celebrated waterman, family man, and gifted artist, Mike Field’s unique perspective shines through in this masterpiece. Unlike traditional ocean-centric artworks, “Stand Up Paddler” invites you to become part of the canvas. The wooden surfboard-shaped medium adds a touch of authenticity to this iteration, making it a standout piece in Mike’s impressive portfolio.

Transport yourself to the Pacific Ocean with a scene featuring a man in a straw hat and red board shorts gracefully paddling. The backdrop unfolds with clouds, sea, and the majestic silhouette of an island mountain. Mike’s uncanny ability to intertwine the human element with nature creates a connection that goes beyond the canvas.

With exhibitions in New York, London, and Shanghai, Mike Field has become a sought-after artist globally. This piece not only reflects his mastery but also the joy he finds in balancing work, family, and play on the captivating island of Hawaii. Own a piece of paradise with “Stand Up Paddler,” where art, culture, and nature converge in perfect harmony.

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